My 30 Day Body Transformation Update

Kurt 30 Day Check-In for 90 Day Body Transformation

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30 Days In…Here’s my full progress report.

As I mentioned in my initial post on my 2014 Transformation Plan, this year is much different than any of the previous 90 Day Transformation plans that I have done. Not only am I doing this overseas in Bali where EVERYTHING is different; food, weather, gym, etc. but I am also starting the challenge at my leanest point ever. With the heat, diet change, multiple bouts of Bali Belly and an ultra strict 17 Day Detox program I did right before I started…Yep, I would start this thing downright skinny.

As much as I love seeing the fat drip away…this go around losing fat is not my main objective, gaining lean muscle mass is. So, with that focus and mentality I have trying as hard as I possible to eat, eat, and eat in addition to training as heavy and hard as possible. 

Have I Made Gains?

Well, I’m feeling better,  getting stronger, gaining muscle, and yes, I am starting to hear that…  “You are looking bigger!” comment from fellow gym goers and friends…all of this tells me that I am on track, but like a scientist the truth can only be told in the evidence.

So, lets take a look at the evidence.

 Measurement Update

Starting Measurement Day 1 Day 30 Change
Weight 207 213 + 6
Waist 34.5″  34.75″ + 0.25″
Left Bicep 15.625″  16″ + 0.375″
Right Bicep 16.125″ 16.25″ + 0.125″
Left Calf 16.125″  16″ – 0.125″
Right Calf 16.125″  16.25″ + 0.125″
Left Thigh 23″  23.625″ + 0.625″
Right Thigh 23″  23.0625″ + 0.625″
Chest (expanded) 40.125″  44 + 3.975″


Overall, per the measurements below I am pretty much on track to gain size everywhere that I want — except as you can see I have gained on my waist. It appears that my efforts to bulk and lack of cardio have added about 1/4″ to my waist which isn’t good but isn’t that bad either! I can lose that fairly easily that last month so I won’t worry too much about that for now 😉

Let’s now take a look at my goals and see how I am fairing there.

20 14 Transformation Goals

2014 Goal 30 Day Status Notes
Get Awesome Obliques  Step It Up  My first week, I strained my hip flexor so I haven’t been doing any oblique focused movements. Now, I am recovered so I will start incorporating these movements.
Six Pack  Step It Up As I mentioned above, I had a slight injury and am only now able to really do ab work…So, I got to take it easy yet push myself to catch up here.
Do 25 Pull Ups  On Track I started at 8 and am now up to 14 pullups — so I am feeling good about my progress and just got to keep pushing it!
 Gain 4″ on Chest On Track I’ve really pushed my back and chest workouts and have actually already almost reached my goal! CRAZY!
Gain 1.25″ on Biceps  On Track Yep, I am seeing nice gains here…so I got to keep pushing it but feel like I can definitely do it!
Gain 1″ on Calfs  Step It Up This one has been tough…it turns out I have a microfracture on my foot so I can’t do the focused calf work that I would like, so I need to be creative and find a way to build my calfs in a low resistance way.
Lose 1″ on Waist REALLY step it up As I had mentioned above, I have actually gained in my waist so particularly in my final month I will tighten up my diet more and step up cardio to make sure I reach my goal.


30 Day Photos

Kurt's 30 Day Progress for Hynes Fitness Challenge

Well, that’s my 30 day check in, I hope you are doing well too on your transformation! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!


To Your Health,

Kurt at Hynes Fitness Challenge





About The Author

Kurt Hynes

After quitting my corporate job and moving to Bali, Indonesia. I now dedicate my new found time and energy to learning and sharing all things nutrition, health, fitness, and personal improvement. My true passion is helping people and with my dad Randy, we are able to truly help and change peoples lives with our HFC 90 Day Body Transformation Challenge.