Body Transformation Quick Tips [Week 3]

4 Body Transformation Quick Tips

Here are a few tips that undoubtedly will help make your transformation more successful!

Don’t Waste Your Workout. 

Make sure you consume a post workout Protein Shake or Bar within 30 minutes of your workout. Protein is the building block of muscle and we suggest that males consume 30-40 grams and females 20-30 grams of protein, preferably Whey base. Without this, you will not get the return on your hard work as you should.

Cardio Time.

Get moving whether it be on a treadmill, take a spinning class, try something new! Cardio in addition to a weight training and nutrition plan is key in your fat loss success. For optimal fat burning, do your cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and wait an hour before eating.

Keep Track.

Study after study proves the efficacy of  In addition to keeping track of your body changes (i.e. waist, arm size, etc.) it is also very important to keep a log of your workouts and nutrition. You can use this information to monitor your progress and to make adjustments along the way if necessary to reach your goals. You can use any ol’ notepad, phone app, or if you are a little lazy like me, I find it easiest to us one that’s premade so I use the GoFit Training Diary to keep track of my workouts. Never leave home without it!

Getting Sore?

This is to be expected. What you need to know is that when you weight train, you are breaking down your muscle tissue, soreness is your body repairing itself from this breakdown. It is in this repair stage that your muscles get bigger and stronger! Sorenss is good but! Don’t over train – if a certain muscle group is already sore, it is not recommended to train again until the muscle recovers.

A great supplement to help speed up your recovery is the amino acid Glutamine (I use the NOW Foods L-Glutamine above right).

That’s our 4 Quick Tips of the Week…More to come!

To your health!

Kurt & Randy

About The Author

Kurt & Randy Hynes

As a father and son duo, we eat, sleep all things health and fitness and love sharing what we have learned with those those that are willing to listen.