Kurt’s Complete 90 Day Body Transformation

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Kurt's 90 Day Transformation

Kurt’s 90 Day Transformation


Okay – as you can see above, this year was by far the most drastic transformation that I have made yet! Below are the final results:

Measurement Day 1 30 Days 60 Days 90 Days Change
Weight 228 226 215.2 208.3 19.7
Waist 39 36.75 34.75 33 6
Left Bicep 16.25 17 17 17 -0.75
Right Bicep 16.75 17.25 17.25 17.25 -0.5
Left Calf 17 17.25 17 17 0
Right Calf 17 17.25 17 17 0


For those of you that don’t know, my dad and I competed in the Emerald Cup Men’s Physique contest and that gave me that extra motivation to get in the best shape of my life! Here is a link to some images from that: http://pics.musculardevelopment.com/index.php?mode=browse&id=32489

All I have to say is what a journey…and a lot of HARD work! Even though my dad and I didn’t place in the cup — we learned a lot and will be gunning to place next year! This time spending more than 3 months training.

All the best,

Kurt at Hynes Fitness Challenge



About The Author

Kurt Hynes

After quitting my corporate job and moving to Bali, Indonesia. I now dedicate my new found time and energy to learning and sharing all things nutrition, health, fitness, and personal improvement. My true passion is helping people and with my dad Randy, we are able to truly help and change peoples lives with our HFC 90 Day Body Transformation Challenge.