Randy’s Top 10 Tips for a Successful Body Transformation

My Top 10 Tips on a successful body transformation!

  1. Goals – Set realistic (written) goals that you can measure. Make copies and put them on the mirror in your bathroom, the refrigerator, pantry door, laminate and use as a bookmark in your planner, use it as a screen saver or wall paper on your computer, laptop or iPAD – you get the idea. You need to look at your goals consistently to keep them fresh and in your head.
  2.  Written Plan – Write out your meal and exercise plan. For example, with exercise –  log your workouts and include items like cardio, weight trainings group classes, etc. Makes notes for every work out and you will be able to see your progress as you go. For meals – plan to shop for a week at a time and plan out your meals including breakfast and lunch – especially if you work away from home! We all know how easy it is to fall off the bandwagon on a lunch with a co-worker!
  3.  Meal Plan – believe it or not 2/3 of your success will come from your meal plan. Create a safe environment in your kitchen/house. Take an afternoon and clean all the unhealthy snacks in every cupboard. You can refill the fridge and pantry with healthy options.
  4.  Be Consistent – Do something aimed at achieving your goals everyday. This is more like a marathon rather than a sprint.
  5.  Rewards – Don’t forget to set up a rewards system! Give yourself one “cheat” meal a week and if you do happen to go on a “binge” – remember control is only a moment away.
  6.  Avoid – Avoid sugar and all processed foods. This is how you control your blood sugar and consequently insulin spikes. When you control your insulin you can stay in the fat burning mode rather than the fat storing mode.
  7.  Metabolism –Work it! We are all different and have different bodies, – figure out what works for yours and keep the fat burning system going! Think of the wood burning stove, dry cedar versus wet logs. Keep your metabolism stoked by eating the right foods frequently.
  8.  The Plateau – This will happen, – be ready when it does! Switch things up and make a few changes and you’ll start losing again. (Expect to mix it up once every month)
  9.  MOVE! – Depending on your level you should include at least thirty minutes of cardio everyday. You can walk, treadmill, elliptical stairs, etc.
  10.  Have Fun! – Buddy up with someone who will keep you on track and share the experience with you. You can meet in person, use Facebook, Skype and of course the Hynes Fitness Challenge community.

What do you think? Any other suggestions?

About The Author

Randy Hynes

I'm passionate about fitness and health and sharing what I have learned the hard way with those that are willing to listen. Now in my late 50's I know first hand that age is not an excuse to being healthy and looking great!