5 Steps to Set Goals and Track Your Progress

As you start your 90 Day Transformation Challenge, it is important that you do the following:

Step 1: Identify Where You Are. 

What I mean by this is, before you can truly make progress (really in anything in life) you need to first establish a point of reference, which is where you are at in our case physically. To do this you must  Take Your Before Photos and Take Your Before Measurements.

Kurt's measurements

Day 1: Measurements

As silly as this may seem, this is one of the most important things you can do for countless reasons and will be used as our starting point to track our progress as well as to determine our “game plan”.


Step 2: Determine Your Destination / Setting Goals.

Ok, this part can be both the most challenging and easiest part of the process. For me since I have done this a few times I have a good understanding of what I need to do to get to a certain point in my physique. For you, you may not know what is a “reasonable” or “obtainable” goal…my advice is to set goals that are challenging but not realistic. Our female winner (18-39 category) from last year lost an astonishing 31 pounds — the male winner lost 4 inches from his waist and lost 15 pounds while adding muscle…these folks were the winners for a reason! There results are atypical, but I do suggest accomplishing goals along the same lines.

Sample Goals:

  •  Drop down 2 sizes
  • Lose 6 inches from your waist
  • Lose 10+ pounds of fat
  • Gain 5+ pounds of muscle
  • Finally fit in that one dress or pair of pants that you’ve always wanted to fit in (HFC Tip: It’s helpful to hang it up in place that you always see it so you are constantly reminded of your goal.)
  • Be able to do 3o push ups (without stopping)


Whatever your goals, have fun with it! Just pick some goals so that we know what we are working so hard for!

Personally, my goal is to lose 4 inches on my waist get my body fat % down to 10 and get the best 6-pack I have ever had!


Step 3: Come Up With Your Plan.

Whatever your goals are, its important that you become very aware of it. I personally like to write my goals down and tape it to my mirror in my bathroom so that I can see it at least a couple of times a day. This way you can’t really “forget” about it and it keeps it in your active consciousness. Now that you have your goals written down, you then need to come up with the plan that will get you there. So you will need to follow both a Nutrition and Exercise plan to get you there, here you can choose from the Official Hynes Fitness Nutrition and Exercise Plan or if you are interested in different workouts, etc. you can check out other in our Workouts  section.

Measurement Tracking Log

Measurement Tracking Log

 Step 4: Execute and Measure.

Once you have picked out the nutrition and exercise plan that best fits your goals there is only one thing to do. Just Do It (like Nike). And you need to make sure that you stay on track, and don’t fall off! Remember that it is only 90 days and as each day passes it will get easier — not to say you won’t face any setbacks or that you wont’ face adversity along the way. And this is why we measure — as you make progress such as losing weight, losing inches, gaining strength this provides you with the affirmation that we all seek that the hard work you are investing in yourself is paying off! And pay off it will if you stay on you program. I use this tracking log (Download Here) and put this in my bathroom with a measuring tape and pen and will document weekly my weight and waist size as well as the time it is being taking. (Note: for maximum accuracy you want the time to be as consistent as possible). You can see my tracking log on the right here…

 Step 5: Assess Results and Adjust

Ok, so you were kicking butt the first 3-4 weeks but all of sudden you are no longer losing the weight or your strength has stalled. No worries, just make some tweaks. Your body is an incredible machine and will adapt to any of the changes that you are making to it, especially in terms of exercise. So make some changes — maybe do different exercises, add some boot camps to your program, etc. Key is that if you are not tracking you would have no way to knowing typically, so continue to monitor and continue to make changes as needed.

Good Luck! Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!

About The Author

Kurt Hynes

After quitting my corporate job and moving to Bali, Indonesia. I now dedicate my new found time and energy to learning and sharing all things nutrition, health, fitness, and personal improvement. My true passion is helping people and with my dad Randy, we are able to truly help and change peoples lives with our HFC 90 Day Body Transformation Challenge.